What To Do When The Wine Runs Out
May 2, 2020 Speaker: Ron Dillon Series: 2020 Stand Alone Sermons
Scripture: John 2:1–11
What to do When the Wine Runs Out
The most Obvious Understanding of this Miracle.
- John’s gospel gives us this as the FIRST SIGN to display Jesus as the Messiah.
- All Jesus’ miracles were used to REVEAL GOD’S GLORY AND POWER in order to lead people to BELIEVE.
- This miracle shows how Jesus is interested in our EVERYDAY LIFE CONCERNS.
A Second Level of Understanding is about the Law.
- In the OT a wedding symbolized the MOSAIC COVENANT.
- The stone jars were exclusively used for CEREMONIAL WASHINGS as part of keeping the Law.
- Water to wine symbolizes the the end of the LAW and the beginning of the KINGDOM OF GOD.
The Third Level Shows the Spiritual Meaning of the Sign.
- When the wine runs out we have demonstration of LIFE WITHOUT CHRIST.
- The new wine is symbolic of the HOLY SPIRIT.
- New wine represents the bankruptcy of RELIGIOUS RITUAL AND LEGALISM as a means of justification.
- New wine gives life NEW MEANING.
Questions For Deeper Study:
1. Jesus tells His mother that His time has not yet come, yet still provides a miracle for those at the wedding. Why do you think He does this?
2. What is the significance of the water jars in this passage?
3. Do you think there is a deeper message in what the master of the feast declares in verse 10?
4. In verse 11, it says that Jesus' disciples believed in Him. Do you think this implies saving Faith, or something else? Why?
1. Mary boldly asked Jesus to meet a need, despite it not being His time. What kind of prayers do you pray? Bold prayers, or prayers that require little faith?
2. As Christians we are now purified through faith in Christ Jesus alone. How are you tempted to trust in your works (legalism) and religious practices for purification even today?
3. What is the new meaning that your life has received through Jesus Christ?
Prayer: Take some time to pray. Don't settle for weak, small faith prayers. Step out in faith and ask God to do a mighty work in and through you, and through those with you. We serve a mighty God, let's pray like it!
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