The Saving Life Of Christ
April 12, 2020 Speaker: Ron Dillon Series: 2020 Stand Alone Sermons
Topic: Easter Scripture: Romans 5:6–10
The Saving Life of Christ
1. Without the Resurrection the HOLY SPIRIT COULD NOT BE GIVEN.
John 14:15-17, 16:7 (CSB)
2. Because of the Resurrection Jesus is constantly MAKING INTERCESSION FOR US.
3. Through the Resurrection we have a PATHWAY TO A RESURRECTION LIFE.
Romans 6:1-5, 11 (CSB)
4. The Resurrection gives Christians a SEAL OF GOD’S OWNERSHIP FOR ETERNITY.
*Giving box is now in place: Please bring non perishable items for the giving box. If the box is full, leave your items in the Other’s room (#9) & they will be put in the box when needed.
*Pictorial Directory: The pictures scheduled for April 24 & 25 will be rescheduled as soon as we are able to return to Sunday services. You will be contacted for a rescheduled time.
*The office will still be open next week 4/13-4/17 but Debbie and Ted will not be in the office. Please call pastor Josh if you need anything.
Sermon Questions For Deeper Study:
1. How important is the Resurrection to the Christian Faith? Why?
2. How do we truly KNOW that we love Jesus?
3. What is the absolute proof or surety that you're a believer?
4. What is the New Covenant based upon?
5. How are Christian's sealed as God's own?
1. What are some practical ways you live your life that attest to your belief that you will be Resurrected one day?
2. How does the assurance of salvation in Christ affect the way you live?
3. What are proofs in your life that you have been sealed as God's own?
Encouragement and Prayer: Take some time to pray together and encourage one another. How can I pray for you in a more specific way? What are some of the biggest challenges you are facing right now? What are temptations that you are struggling to resist?
More in 2020 Stand Alone Sermons
October 18, 2020
The Most Important Goal Of The PastorJune 28, 2020
The Purpose Of GodJune 21, 2020
The Loving Father